Agatha Christie patří mezi mistry detektivkářského jazyka a zejména konverzace; sbírka povídek "Herkulovské úkoly Hercula Poirota" (The Labours of Hercules, 1947) je toho zajisté dokladem.
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Prémiová otázka: Název tohoto příspěvku je inspirován jistým literárním a historickým kontextem. Jakým?
"But surely. Sir Joseph, the proper thing (and a very much more inexpensive thing) would have been to send for the police ?"
Sir Joseph rubbed his nose. He said: "Are you married, Mr. Poirot ?"
"Alas," said Poirot, "I have not that felicity."
"H'm," said Sir Joseph. "Don't know about felicity, but if you were, you'd know that women are funny creatures. My wife went into hysterics at the mere mention of the police — she'd got it into her head that something would happen to her precious Shan Tung if I went to them. She wouldn't hear of the idea—and I may say she doesn't take very kindly to the idea of your being called in. But I stood firm there and at last she gave way. But, mind you, she doesn't like it."
Hercule Poirot murmured: "The position is, I perceive, a delicate one. It would be as well, perhaps, if I were to interview Madame your wife and gain further particulars from her whilst at the same time reassuring her as to the future safety of her dog ?
Sir Joseph nodded and rose to his feet. He said: "I'll take you along in the car right away.
In a large, hot, ornately-furnished drawingroom two women were sitting. As Sir Joseph and Hercule Poirot entered, a small Pekinese dog rushed forward, barking furiously, and circling dangerously round Poirot's ankles.
"Shan -- Shan, come here. Come here to mother, lovey-- Pick him up. Miss Carnaby."
The second woman hurried forward and Hercule Poirot murmured: "A veritable lion, indeed."
Rather breathlessly Shan Tung's captor agreed.
"Yes, indeed, he's such a good watchdog. He's not frightened of anything or any one. There's a lovely boy, then.
Having performed the necessary introduction, Sir Joseph said: "Well, Mr. Poirot, I'll leave you to get on with it," and with a short nod he left the room.
Lady Hoggin was a stout, petulantlooking woman with dyed henna red hair. Her companion, the fluttering Miss Carnaby, was a plump, amiable-looking creature between forty and fifty. She treated Lady Hoggin with great deference and was clearly frightened to death of her.
Poirot said: "Now tell me. Lady Hoggin, the full circumstances of this abominable crime."
Lady Hoggin flushed. "I'm very glad to hear you say that, Mr.
Poirot. For it was a crime. Pekinese are terribly sensitive -- just as sensitive as children. Poor Shan Tung might have died of fright if of nothing else.
Miss Carnaby chimed in breathlessly: "Yes, it was wicked -- wicked!"
"Please tell me the facts."
"Well, it was like this. Shan Tung was out for his walk in the Park with Miss Camaby -- "
"Oh dear me, yes, it was all my fault," chimed in the companion. "How could I have been so stupid -- so careless -- "
Lady Hoggin said acidly: "I don't want to reproach you. Miss Carnaby, but I do think you might have been more alert."
Poirot transferred his gaze to the companion. "What happened?"
Miss Carnaby burst into voluble and slightly flustered speech.
"Well, it was the most extraordinary thing! We had just been along the flower walk -- Shan Tung was on the lead, of course -- he'd had his little run on the grass -- and I was just about to turn and go home when my attention was caught by a baby in a pram -- such a lovely baby - it smiled at me -- lovely rosy cheeks and such curls. I couldn't just resist speaking to the nurse in charge and asking how old it was -- seventeen months, she said – and I'm sure I was only speaking to her for about a minute or two, and then suddenly I looked down and Shan wasn't there any more. The lead had been cut right through -- "
Lady Hoggin said: "If you'd been paying proper attention to your duties, nobody could have sneaked up and cut that lead.