Dan Brown
‘Seek and ye shall find.’
With these
words echoing in his head, eminent Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon awakes in
a hospital bed with no recollection of where he is or how he got there. Nor can
he explain the origin of the macabre object that is found hidden in his
A threat to
his life will propel him and a young doctor, Sienna Brooks, into a breakneck
chase across the city of Florence. Only Langdon’s knowledge of hidden
passageways and ancient secrets that lie behind its historic facade can save
them from the clutches of their unknown pursuers.
With only a
few lines from Dante’s dark and epic masterpiece, The Inferno, to guide them,
they must decipher a sequence of codes buried deep within some of the most
celebrated artefacts of the Renaissance – sculptures, paintings, buildings – to
find the answers to a puzzle which may, or may not, help them save the world
from a terrifying threat…
Set against
an extraordinary landscape inspired by one of history’s most ominous literary
classics, Inferno is Dan Brown’s most compelling and thought-provoking novel
yet, a breathless race-against time thriller that will grab you from page one
and not let you go until you close the book.
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Překladatelské tipy:
1. Nikomu nevěř, ani sobě. Vše ověřuj a vyhledávej.
2. Mysli česky, ne anglicky. Čti kvalitní české knihy.
3. Bezchybná gramatika je základ, nikoli nadstavba.
4. Automatické překladače přidělávají práci.
5. Odpočívej. Mozek často najde řešení sám, třeba ve spánku.
6. Vrať se ke svému textu s odstupem několika dní a edituj ho bez velké opory originálu.
Problematické oblasti při překladu z angličtiny do češtiny:
- determinanty
- slovosled
- přechodníky
- idiomy
- reálie