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dvě křehké snítky
rudých gladiol
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Odhalíte význam vyznačených slov?
Odhalíte význam vyznačených slov?
comes on duty at lock-up each night, at seven sharp," Miss Miriam said.
what manner of fellow is he?"
a ream escop,"
she replied, meaning a real policeman. "He's forty or so; square-rigged,
fat. But I'll wager he doesn't sleep on the job, and he's no lushington."
he armed?"
is," she said, nodding.
he lurk,
then?" Agar said.
at the door. Sits up at the top of the steps by the door, and does not move at
all. He has a small paper bag at his side, which I think is his supper."
Miss Miriam could not be sure of that, because she dared not remain watching
the station office too late in the day for fear of arousing suspicion.
"Crikey," Agar said
in disgust. "Sits right by the door? He's coopered that ken."
wonder why they put on a night guard," Pierce said.
they knew we were giving it the yack," Agar said, for they had kept the
office under
off and on, for a period of months, and someone might have noticed.
gammon now,"
Agar said.
always a gammon," Pierce said.
"It's coopered for
sure," Agar said.
coopered," Pierce said, "just a little more difficult is all."
you going to knock it over, then?" Agar said.
the dinner hour," he said.
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