7. března 2012

Mezi čtyřma očima

Autoři, kteří nemají v lásce zdlouhavé popisy, často charakterizují své postavy pomocí přímé řeči. Sociální postavení, bystrost, vtip, postoj k životu... to vše lze vyčíst ze způsobu, jakým se postava vyjadřuje.

1. Pečlivě si přečtěte následující úryvek z románu Agathy Christie Mrtvá v knihovně. Dokážete si představit jednotlivé aktéry pochmurné scény? (Originál románu je k dispozici v capse.)
2. Přeložte vyznačenou část, svůj text vložte do komentáře k tomuto blogu.

Pokud si nejste jisti kvalitou překladu, přečtěte si dialogy nahlas.
Pro inspiraci můžete shlédnout tuto scénu ve filmové podobě: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnnNkIPwwAk

Agatha Christie - The Body In The Library (1942)

There was the sound of a car crunching on the gravel outside. Constable Palk said with urgency, "That'll be the inspector."
True to his ingrained belief that the gentry didn't let you down, Mrs. Bantry immediately moved to the door. Miss Marple followed her. Mrs. Bantry said, "That'll be all right, Palk." Constable Palk was immensely relieved.
Hastily downing the last fragments of toast and marmalade with a drink of coffee. Colonel Bantry hurried out into the hall and was relieved to see Colonel Melchett, the chief constable of the county, descending from a car, with Inspector Slack in attendance. Melchett was a friend of the colonel's; Slack he had never very much taken to an energetic man who belied his name and who accompanied his bustling manner with a good deal of disregard for the feelings of anyone he did not consider important "Mornin.“
"It's, it's" Colonel Bantry struggled to express himself "it's incredible, fantastic!"
"No idea who the woman is?"
"Not in the slightest. Never set eyes on her in my life."
"Butler know anything?" asked Inspector Slack.
"Lorrimer is just as taken aback as I am."
"Ah," said Inspector Slack. "I wonder."
Colonel Bantry said, "There's breakfast in the dining room, Melchett, if you'd like anything."
"No, no, better get on with the job. Haydock ought to be here any minute now..... Ah, here he is." Another car drew up and big, broad-shouldered Doctor Haydock, who was also the police surgeon, got out. A second police car had disgorged two plain-clothes men, one with a camera.
"All set, eh?" said the chief constable. "Right. We'll go along. In the library. Slack tells me."
Colonel Bantry groaned. "It's incredible! You know, when my wife insisted this morning that the housemaid had come in and said there was a body in the library, I just wouldn't believe her."
"No, no, I can quite understand that. Hope your missus isn't too badly upset by it all."
"She's been wonderful, really wonderful. She's got old Miss Marple up here with her from the village, you know."
"Miss Marple?" The chief constable stiffened. "Why did she send for her?"
"Oh, a woman wants another woman, don't you think so?"
Colonel Melchett said with a slight chuckle, "If you ask me, your wife's going to try her hand at a little amateur detecting. Miss Marple's quite the local sleuth. Put it over us properly once, didn't she, Slack?"
Inspector Slack said, "That was different."
"Different from what?"
"That was a local case, that was, sir. The old lady knows everything that goes on in the village, that's true enough. But she'll be out of her depth here."
Melchett said dryly, "You don't know very much about it yourself yet, Slack."
"Ah, you wait, sir. It won't take me long to get down to it."
In the dining room Mrs. Bantry and Miss Marple, in their turn, were partaking of breakfast. After waiting on her guest, Mrs. Bantry said urgently, "Well, Jane?" Miss Marple looked up at her slightly bewildered. Mrs. Bantry said hopefully, "Doesn't it remind you of anything?"
For Miss Marple had attained fame by her ability to link up trivial village happenings with graver problems in such a way as to throw light upon the latter.
"No," said Miss Marple thoughtfully. "I can't say that it does not at the moment. I was reminded a little of Mrs. Chetty's youngest Edie, you know but I think that was just because this poor girl bit her nails and her front teeth stuck out a little. Nothing more than that. And of course," went on Miss Marple, pursuing the parallel further, "Edie was fond of what I call cheap finery too."