7. března 2016


Dabing patří mezi nejobtížnější překladatelské disciplíny - zejména pro svou variabilitu a často také pro extrémní časový tlak. Pojďme si vyzkoušet, jaké problémy musí řešit překladatel dabingových textů!
Americký seriál M*A*S*H patří mezi stálice televizního vysílání snad všude na světě. V české verzi naštěstí odpadl umělý smích v pozadí a divák se tak může lépe soustředit na kouzelné gagy v prostředí válečných hrůz - sám tento protiklad bývá často základnou pro drsný humor i pro okamžiky, kdy zamrazí. I řeč postav se vyznačuje protiklady, mísí lékařský slang s vojenským, vyžívá se ve slovních hříčkách a hraje si s divákovými emocemi. 

Video není ani po letech volně k dispozici; fanoušci seriálu tedy vytvořili alespoň stránky, kde si můžete přečíst kompletní texty jednotlivých epizod. Zkuste si napřed přečíst text vybrané epizody "Dear Sigmund"a představit si, že ho překládáte BEZ OBRAZU.


Text k překladu, převzatý ze závěru epizody je zde. Překládáme DABING, tedy kromě základního významu a různých jazykových hříček musíme dbát i na to, aby se text dal dabovat - "vešel se hercům do pusy."

- What's in the box? - Um, it's the ambulance driver's personal effects, sir. It's going out to Graves Registration.
- Did you write a little note for me to his folks? - Yes, sir. It's right here. I never know what to say.
Of all the lousy duties I've had to perform in this service that's always been the lousiest.
You can change it if you want, sir. I'm not sure all the words are exactly right or anything.
"Dear Mr. And Mrs. O'Donnell , it is with real deep sadness that I must tell you of the death of your son. You can be very, very proud of Jerry. He never took a human life, and he died "while he was trying to save the lives of five other fellows. He was rushing them to the evac "which is short for evacuation hospital, in Seoul "when his ambulance overturned. He was a real good boy, Mr. And Mrs. O'Donnell ,and I know he loved you both very much. He spoke of you often to my company clerk, Corporal Walter O'Reilly. We were proud of him at MASH and  we'll miss Jerry very, very much.
" - Thank you, Radar. Don't change a word.
- Thank you, sir.
[Thinking] The one person I can't figure out, even with all you've taught me, Sigmund is B. J. Hunnicutt. - He's an enigma with size- 13 shoes.
- Get that guy to pre-op now.
In the midst of the most terrific enterprise ever devised to separate a person's brains from his buns B. J. Goes calmly on. I envy his serenity. - Although there must be a volcano under there somewhere.
- Oh, give me that.
- [Screams] - [Laughing] [Water Running] - Oh, hi.
- You! You're the practical joker? It certainly looks that way, doesn't it? - Would you like to help? - Sure.
What do I do? As loud as you can, shout, "Air raid!" Air raid! Air raid! Air raid! Air raid! Air raid! Air raid! [Gasping]

"Colonel Potter is pleased to announce that today is the first day of spring.
"In recognition of this event we are unveiling the cherry tree branch that we have been trying to grow in a hothouse kind of ever since Major Houlihan got the branch for us when she went away to get engaged to Tokyo.
" Oh, thank you.
"And now, in honor of the first day of spring" Okay, that's it.
- You leaving, Sidney? - Afraid so.
- Hate to be cured and run.
- You feel better? Yeah, I think I do a little. It's like spring at MASH. If you can't find it, and you can't feel it, you just go ahead and make it. Somewhere in here, I'm coaxing a little bud to grow. Meanwhile, I'm goin' back to work.
- See ya at the game next week? Yes, I'll be here with $20 in my pants and three aces up my sleeve.
Show a little imagination. Don't make them all spades.
[Sidney Thinking] They look every day into the face of death.
- I'll be closing in five minutes.
- On the surface they may seem like other doctors and nurses but underneath Ah, Sigmund, underneath.